331 High Street Rochester ME1 1DA info@medwayprideradio.co.uk 07922164347

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Medway Pride Fund

Join the fun with Medway Pride Radio

Competition Time

Medway Pride has a car! And to celebrate we are giving away a mug and a T-shirt each week to one eagle eyed listener. To be in with a chance of winning simply email us at mailto:in**@me**************.uk” data-original-string=”mDEAnuWkyTI9I4H+glIPOg==f89YwC1EBCSWDWaRoIC4o0LEJMHSNAz2EAiVR6OPioLAeeZVRgZ1BgyzFfwY9RvVPUOZFZVWFR8Q8dcxfFIr3nDSehPEeo+qbYsm9xNWKm8xUyoU+zYbgKUnBuWvHldNssLSYXQlAqeGaj/AdaoyiV32sxw2/6xNYsknlXrwmATpx62NneHTNSGc0IOQpUVwme77FZzlpPh9+6je4ivzaq4lsaYhXQQebSVB7scQzjOYnhwvGZWe2DN4i59I5PhamatxbhMjpHWT/x8vnAnX68y0eDDL20uJtmn4ZgK7ADKKe8=” title=”This contact has been encoded by Anti-Spam by CleanTalk. Click to decode. To finish the decoding make sure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser. stating where and when you saw it, or send us a photo of you with the car to be in with the chance of a special prize! Winners will be drawn each week throughout the spring.

look out for new compertitions here

Click here to play the lottery

Volunteer DJs at Medway Pride Radio

Would you like to help us spin some tunes and play the music you love! Check out out Volunteering page to find out more

Volunteer at MPR