Medway Pride Radio is a not-for-profit community radio station run by volunteers. The station was founded by Shea Coffey, Hilary Cooke & Helanna Bowler-Irvine, to support Medway Pride, the LGBTQIA+ communities and allies from across all the diverse communities of Medway & Kent.
Medway Pride Radio is based in Rochester in the heart of INTRA, where we aim to be part of the local community. We started broadcasting on 1st February 2021.
Check out our web app at once the app is loaded on your device you can save the app to your screen.
The station has a mix of DJ’s and presenters who will be providing programs that are varied and interesting.
Have a listen to our programs and give us your feedback via our social media or contact details.
Our Volunteers
Would you like to help us spin some tunes? Come and join the MPR community, everyone is welcome from complete beginners to experienced broadcasters.
You don’t need to have any previous experience as we have a support programme in place, where one of the team can talk you through how it works and what you need to get started.
At the moment, all the DJs broadcast from home, so you do need a few basics, from a good internet connection to a computer and a microphone along with a good music collection of course! We don’t have playlists to you play the music you love.
Would you like to get involved behind the scenes? We are always on the look out for volunteers to help us out with community and interest articles for our daily News show and for various other roles that keep the station running.
Volunteering can be very rewarding, it can help you gain skills in a new area and, in the current turbulent times, you can get a lot of enjoyment from a new hobby.
We are a community after all!
If you are a member, ally, supporter of the LGBTQIA+ community, are over 16 and you would like to get involved, email the team at in**@me**************.uk or get in touch through any of our social media accounts.
A voice for the community
Medway Pride Radio is a voice for the whole community. We focus on giving a voice to the LGBTQIA+ community, its allies, along with local and national voluntary and community organisations.
If you are a charity or community organisation, we want to help promote what you do. We offer free air time, both as interviews and regular adverts. To find out more, please email Shea at sh**@me**************.uk.
If you are a business that wishes to advertise with MP Radio and support the work we do, we can deliver an advertising package to suit your needs. Please email the sales team on sa***@me**************.uk
Do you have a Superstar DJ in the making?
Every Saturday morning at 10am we turn the station over to the next generation for an hour of…. well that’s up to them!
To join, email us for a parental permission slip, then return the slip with your recorded set (29 minute running time please), and choose a suitable DJ name (as we will not broadcast real names), and we will get you on air!
Join the Medway Pride Radio community
Medway Pride Radio is a not-for-profit community radio station run by volunteers. The station was founded by Shea Coffey, Hilary Cooke & Helanna Bowler-Irvine, to support Medway Pride, the LGBTQIA+ communities and allies from across all the diverse communities of Medway & Kent.
Medway Pride Radio is based in Rochester in the heart of INTRA, where we aim to be part of the local community. We started broadcasting on 1st February 2021.
Check out our web app at once the app is loaded on your device you can save the app to your screen.
The station has a mix of DJ’s and presenters who will be providing programs that are varied and interesting.
Have a listen to our programs and give us your feedback via our social media or contact details.
Our Volunteers
Would you like to help us spin some tunes? Come and join the MPR community, everyone is welcome from complete beginners to experienced broadcasters.
You don’t need to have any previous experience as we have a support programme in place, where one of the team can talk you through how it works and what you need to get started.
At the moment, all the DJs broadcast from home, so you do need a few basics, from a good internet connection to a computer and a microphone along with a good music collection of course! We don’t have playlists to you play the music you love.
Would you like to get involved behind the scenes? We are always on the look out for volunteers to help us out with community and interest articles for our daily News show and for various other roles that keep the station running.
Volunteering can be very rewarding, it can help you gain skills in a new area and, in the current turbulent times, you can get a lot of enjoyment from a new hobby.
We are a community after all!
If you are a member, ally, supporter of the LGBTQIA+ community, are over 16 and you would like to get involved, email the team at in**@me**************.uk or get in touch through any of our social media accounts.
A voice for the community
Medway Pride Radio is a voice for the whole community. We focus on giving a voice to the LGBTQIA+ community, its allies, along with local and national voluntary and community organisations.
If you are a charity or community organisation, we want to help promote what you do. We offer free air time, both as interviews and regular adverts. To find out more, please email Shea at sh**@me**************.uk.
If you are a business that wishes to advertise with MP Radio and support the work we do, we can deliver an advertising package to suit your needs. Please email the sales team on sa***@me**************.uk
Do you have a Superstar DJ in the making?
Every Saturday morning at 10am we turn the station over to the next generation for an hour of…. well that’s up to them!
To join, email us for a parental permission slip, then return the slip with your recorded set (29 minute running time please), and choose a suitable DJ name (as we will not broadcast real names), and we will get you on air!
For further details, and a permission slip email In**@me**************.uk
LGBTQIA+ Community Radio
MPR Live Chat Room
Look for stuff
Medway Pride Radio Web App
HIlarys Medway Pride Fund