331 High Street Rochester ME1 1DA info@medwayprideradio.co.uk 07922164347

Welcome to Clover Street, the Medway Sexual Health Hub

Our main sexual health hub is at Clover Street in Chatham.

We provide a complete range of sexual health services including contraceptionSTI testing and treatmentpsychosexual therapy services and care for people living with HIV. You can also pick up free condoms from any of our community clinics.

Under 25? We’ve got services that are just for you.

For advice and opening times call our Central Booking Team on 0300 123 1678 (please note this is not a clinic number).

Please vist our Facebook page for more videos

What can we help you with?

There are lots of different ways to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, choose the one that’s right for you and your partner. 
I need some

You can get free condoms from any of our clinics, or if you’re aged 13-24 you can register for the  ‘Get It’ scheme and pick up free condoms from a local pharmacy, or online.

If you have had unprotected sex and are worried about unplanned pregnancy, act fast! You have 2 choices of emergency contraception.
I’ve had unprotected sex

If you think you have an STI, it’s important to been seen quickly by a qualified professional. Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed, we are here to help you, and we really have seen it all before!I think I’ve got an infection

We provide treatment and support to people who are affected by HIV. Your GP or another health professional can refer you, or you can refer yourself if it’s easier for you. You can expect a completely confidential service from us.

If you are worried that you may have HIV then come to any clinic and talk to us about getting a test.
about HIV

Some of our clinics are especially for people under the age of 25.

for under 25s

The Apple Tree project is designed to make sure that reasonable adjustments are made when a person with learning disabilities needs an appointment at a sexual health clinic.

By asking for Apple Tree, the person taking the call immediately knows that the caller needs a double appointment.

Apple Tree

Learning Disability Service
0300  1234 195

Sexual Health Service
0300 123 1678