wHoo Cares is a community interest company created to support individuals on the Hoo Peninsula. We know that everyone is unique and sometimes we all need a bit of extra help which will enable us to manage the challenges we face.
The formation of wHoo Cares began in early 2015 and was developed by a group of volunteers (currently serving as the Board of Directors) and a team from DERiC (Developing and Empowering Resources in Communities) along with the support of Medway Council.
Our aims are to reduce social isolation while strengthening communities on the Peninsula and to establish an innovative and creative new model of support for vulnerable people and their carers. Our key purpose is to work with local individuals, communities and organisations all over the Hoo Peninsula and as a CIC, any profits we make will be invested back into our community.
We understand that the lives and circumstances of each of our Partners (beneficiaries) are unique, this is why we utilise a personalised Life Plan as the basis of our support. The Life Plan, developed with one of our Community Life Planning Coordinators, works to identify practical steps and support that will make a real, positive difference to an individual’s life. Support offered is highly variable, ranging from a weekly chat and cuppa or regular phone call, through to help getting to a local coffee morning, club/group, medical appointment. Our in-person befriending has also proved valuable to carers, providing an hour or so of respite.
Our wonderful Volunteer Community Supporters are vital to our work. They are matched with our Partners to support them in achieving the goals detailed in the Life Plan. To ensure that our work is having the desired impact, we conduct regular reviews, assessing both the goals and support provided. All support is free of charge, with the exception of our transportation service for which we charge a modest fee.
Currently, due to COVID-19, our support has been adjusted slightly, as has been the case at many organisations. Whenever possible, our initial meetings will take place face-to-face (this can be in the garden, if the weather is favourable). Our in-person befriending has been replaced with telephone befriending, however, garden and walking visits are also possible (as allowed by current government guidelines). Additional support available during this period includes well-being calls, help with shopping, prescriptions and other small tasks as well as transport for essential appointments. These changes reflect our commitment to ensuring the health and safety of our Volunteers, Partners and staff.
Whoo Cares
wHoo Cares is a community interest company created to support individuals on the Hoo Peninsula. We know that everyone is unique and sometimes we all need a bit of extra help which will enable us to manage the challenges we face.
The formation of wHoo Cares began in early 2015 and was developed by a group of volunteers (currently serving as the Board of Directors) and a team from DERiC (Developing and Empowering Resources in Communities) along with the support of Medway Council.
Our aims are to reduce social isolation while strengthening communities on the Peninsula and to establish an innovative and creative new model of support for vulnerable people and their carers. Our key purpose is to work with local individuals, communities and organisations all over the Hoo Peninsula and as a CIC, any profits we make will be invested back into our community.
We understand that the lives and circumstances of each of our Partners (beneficiaries) are unique, this is why we utilise a personalised Life Plan as the basis of our support. The Life Plan, developed with one of our Community Life Planning Coordinators, works to identify practical steps and support that will make a real, positive difference to an individual’s life. Support offered is highly variable, ranging from a weekly chat and cuppa or regular phone call, through to help getting to a local coffee morning, club/group, medical appointment. Our in-person befriending has also proved valuable to carers, providing an hour or so of respite.
Our wonderful Volunteer Community Supporters are vital to our work. They are matched with our Partners to support them in achieving the goals detailed in the Life Plan. To ensure that our work is having the desired impact, we conduct regular reviews, assessing both the goals and support provided. All support is free of charge, with the exception of our transportation service for which we charge a modest fee.
Currently, due to COVID-19, our support has been adjusted slightly, as has been the case at many organisations. Whenever possible, our initial meetings will take place face-to-face (this can be in the garden, if the weather is favourable). Our in-person befriending has been replaced with telephone befriending, however, garden and walking visits are also possible (as allowed by current government guidelines). Additional support available during this period includes well-being calls, help with shopping, prescriptions and other small tasks as well as transport for essential appointments. These changes reflect our commitment to ensuring the health and safety of our Volunteers, Partners and staff.
Office address:
38 Chapel Road
Isle of Grain
01634 272138
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