Jigsaw is the first project in Kent to raise awareness of disability hate crime against people with autism and learning disabilities.
Our ‘living in fear’ 3-year research project told us that almost half of those surveyed experienced victimisation. Although the impact of crimes and incidents could be serious and long lasting, 62% didn’t report incidents to the police.
We raise awareness of hate crime and work with organisations to support the reporting of hate crimes, through reporting hubs. These hubs are in community facilities, such as mosques, community centres, shops and more.
We run disability awareness training with the police and 999/101 call handlers. This helps them to understand more about their needs and how to respond.
We also run hate crime awareness sessions for people with disabilities. These workshops focus on giving people the confidence to report incidents and how to do so.
Types of hate crime
Physical attacks
Damage to property
Offensive graffiti
Threats of attack
Abusive or obscene telephone calls
Anti-social behaviour and intimidation
Offensive language and harassment.
Reporting hate crimes
Speak to a police officer or PCSO. You can do this at your local police station
Call 101 if it is not an emergency
Call 999 in an emergency
Report your crime online www.report-it.org.uk through True Vision. Your report will be forwarded to the relevant police station.
Reporting hubs
We have been working with local communities to create reporting hubs across Kent and Medway so that you can report any hate crime.
Nucleus Arts in Chatham and Rochester
Mencap’s Medway branch
Aztec day services in Rochester
Ahmadiyya Mosque in Gillingham
Age UK across Medway and Kent
Kent Muslim Welfare Associate in Gillingham
Kent Women’s Muslim Welfare Association in Gillingham
LGBTQIA+ Hatecrime has also been on the increase, some of which has been blamed on the news media publising discriminatory articles about the trans community.
You can report hate crime and complete a survey about your experiances via www.hatecrime.app
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Posted: September 16, 2021 by Hilary Cooke
Hate Crime affects all communities
Jigsaw is the first project in Kent to raise awareness of disability hate crime against people with autism and learning disabilities.
Our ‘living in fear’ 3-year research project told us that almost half of those surveyed experienced victimisation. Although the impact of crimes and incidents could be serious and long lasting, 62% didn’t report incidents to the police.
We raise awareness of hate crime and work with organisations to support the reporting of hate crimes, through reporting hubs. These hubs are in community facilities, such as mosques, community centres, shops and more.
We run disability awareness training with the police and 999/101 call handlers. This helps them to understand more about their needs and how to respond.
We also run hate crime awareness sessions for people with disabilities. These workshops focus on giving people the confidence to report incidents and how to do so.
Types of hate crime
Reporting hate crimes
Reporting hubs
We have been working with local communities to create reporting hubs across Kent and Medway so that you can report any hate crime.
Visit Our website for more information
Support for victims
Call Victim Support on 0845 303 0900.
or visit their website
LGBTQIA+ Hatecrime has also been on the increase, some of which has been blamed on the news media publising discriminatory articles about the trans community.
You can report hate crime and complete a survey about your experiances via www.hatecrime.app
LGBTQIA+ Community Radio
MPR Live Chat Room
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