331 High Street Rochester ME1 1DA info@medwayprideradio.co.uk 07922164347

Medway Pride Country with Ray

About the Show

Medway Pride Country with Ray

“Hello! My name is Ray Phillips.

I have been presenting Radio Shows as long as I can remember.

I’ve worked for a few stations (and still do, but super excited to be part of Medway Pride Radio. I’ll be presenting a Country Show called “Medway Pride Country”. Don’t be put off if you THINK you don’t like Country music. It’s high energy, Poppy / Rocky Country with just a few classics thrown in. i’m sure you’ll enjoy it.

In addition to my presenting I was also a performer for many years. I used to write songs, play guitar and sing at gigs around the country. I gave it up a few years ago because I was going through some Mental Health issues.With that in mind. Here is my abridged Pride history 🙂

I transitioned from Male to Female (Full post op) in May 2001. I lived successfully in my role as Rebecca for over 20 years but recently I’ve started to question my original motives. Over the past few years, I realised that the transition wasn’t right for me but I could only come to terms with that in the last couple of years. So, I transitioned back a year ago to Ray (my original birth name).

Although I transitioned back, I still consider myself non-binary. After going through hormonal and surgical reassignment, I guess I have the right to consider myself that. But I believe both gender and sexuality are fluid and I see people as people and respect other people’s feelings, thoughts and actions when it comes to their own journey.

I’ve had a love of music and particularly for Country Music forever! I grew up listening to Patsy Cline, Jim Reeves and John Denver, favourites of my parents and eventually became a favourite of mine. I like to play a mix of Modern, classic, and brand-new UK country artists. I’ve been lucky to be supported by some of the top Country Music PR companies in the Country and some of the top artists across the world. The show is high energy and fun and I hope you like it.”

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