I was warned, Christmas is the silly season they said! Watch out for the bizarre ideas they said!
Hang on I am getting ahead of myself. Let’s skip back to just after Medway Pride, the evenings were light and the weather, well it was not ‘Brace for impact!’ like it is with the storms now.
Still glowing from Pride, I ventured to talk about Christmas programming, yes that is how far ahead we are, by the time you read this we will be thinking about rabbits, chickens, and overpriced chocolate.
‘What sort of programming should we do for Christmas?’
‘A panto’
The meeting cheered! I looked for the hero.
‘You can’t do a panto on the radio’
The meeting booed! I did not need to look around, I was the villain.
A few weeks later I happened to be in a meeting with Davids Stokes and Wilson… they raised the idea of a panto and my heart sank.
‘But surely pantos are somewhat visual’ I ventured
Five weeks later, in a whirlwind the Tasmanian Devil would have been proud of, David Wilson had managed to rewrite David Stokes’ original script, cast it, found a home for it, had script run throughs. And found a choir, yes, the panto had a choir!
The home for the night was Medway Little Theatre, a beautiful little (as it says on the tin) theatre.
For those who don’t know this 96 seat theatre first opened in 1958 and has more than 400 productions to its name. Situated in the Intra area, it is a hidden gem of a place.
On the night we got there early, and while the boys were thrilled to be allowed to visit the sound booth, Sarah and I were treated to a backstage tour. Backstage of any theatre is always a treat for me, it is a world seldom seen by the ticket-buying public, and somehow it manages to make one curious while dispelling myths at the same time. However, the feeling of history there was palpable, and set the tone for what was to come.
Having got drinks and snacks we settled the boys and the lights dimmed.
Snow White began….
No, I am not going to give anything away, other to say that the adults laughed as much as the children did, somethings in very different places, but the skills of David Stokes and David Wilson shone through. I later learned that David Wilson had directed rehearsals with his eyes shut to make sure it made sense on radio.
The cast were sparkling, and the choir was brilliant, and yes it all went perfectly, and the first Medway Pride Radio Panto was born.
I want to thank David Stokes, David Wilson, everyone at Medway Little Theatre, Mick the sound man, all the cast and the choir; all of you made a magical evening for the 12 or so families who were lucky enough to be invited, and I can’t wait to share it with you all!
Sunday 19th at 7pm.
See our socials for repeats.
Last Updated: November 18, 2023 by Hilary Cooke Leave a Comment
MPR New Service
Medway Pride Radio launched their new on demand service on Sunday 12th November 2023.
The new format allows listeners to choose which programs they listen to from the selection of radio shows found on the main Home page of this website or the new On Demand page. MPR will also continue to broadcast a playlist for those who wish to listen the most recent programs shown on the daily play list. There will also be some live show broadcasts as listed on the Whats On Schedule. The new MPR On Demand Library is hosted on Mixcloud where listeners caan find hundreds of shows previously broadcast on MPR.
This new format will be developed to bring additional programs to entertain and inform our listeners .
Posted: May 15, 2022 by Hilary Cooke Leave a Comment
The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia was created in 2004 to draw the attention to the violence and discrimination experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex people and all other people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities or expressions, and sex characteristics.
The date of May 17th was specifically chosen to commemorate the World Health Organization’s decision in 1990 to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder.
The Day represents a major global annual landmark to draw the attention of decision makers, the media, the public, corporations, opinion leaders, local authorities, etc. to the alarming situation faced by people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities or expressions, and sex characteristics.
May 17 is now celebrated in more than 130 countries, including 37 where same-sex acts are illegal. Thousands of initiatives, big and small, are reported throughout the planet.
The International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia has received official recognition from several States, international institutions such as the European Parliament, and by countless local authorities. Most United Nations agencies also mark the Day with specific events.
Even if every year a “global focus issue” is promoted, the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia is not one centralised campaign; rather it is a moment that everyone can take advantage of to take action, on whatever issue and in whatever format that they wish.
Many different entities participate in the global mobilisation around May 17 and as a consequence it receives many different names. Some organisations add Lesbophobia or Intersexphobia as distinct focuses. Acronyms also vary, from the initial IDAHO to IDAHOT or IDAHOBIT. The Day is not one central trademarked brand and everyone is free to communicate as they wish.
Nevertheless, we have seen lately that several groups translate the “I” with “intersexism”. We have consulted with Intersex organisations who consider this term to be vague and misleading. We therefore ask everyone to please refrain from using the term “intersexism” and prefer the term “intersexphobia”. Please also note that the name of the Day currently does not explicitly include Intersexphobia as there is no global consensus among the Intersex communities that this should be included in the remit of May 17.
Initially managed by the IDAHO Committee, the initiative is now collectively managed in collaboration between regional and thematic networks working to advance the rights of people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities or expressions, and sex characteristics. This collaboration brings together organizations and initiatives at global, regional, national and local levels.
Posted: January 28, 2022 by Hilary Cooke Leave a Comment
Closer Than You Think: One Day
Holocaust Memorial Day and LGBT+ History Month
On 6 May 1933 the Institute of Sexual Research, an academic foundation devoted to sexological research and the advocacy of homosexual rights, was broken into by the Nazi-supporting youth. They beat up the staff and ransacked the Institute’s library that housed an immense archival collection on sexuality and provided educational services and medical consultations. Four days later, on 10 May the entire content of the library will be burned. The founder of the Institute was Dr Magnus Hirschfeld, German physician and sexologist and a Jewish gay man.
During the Second World War over six million Jews were murdered and tens of thousands of homosexuals were arrested, around 50,000 received severe prison sentences. Most homosexuals were sent to police prisons, rather than concentration camps, where they were exposed to inhumane treatment: subjected to hard labour, torture, were experimented upon or executed. There they could be subjected to hard labour and torture, or they were experimented upon or executed. An estimated 10-15,000 were incarcerated within the concentration camps, 60% of whom died. Many were castrated and some subjected to gruesome medical experiments. Collective murder actions were undertaken against gay detainees, exterminating hundreds at a time.
In the camps homosexual men were identified by a large ‘pink triangle’ worn on their uniform and the Jewish prisoners by a ‘yellow star’.
This year a visual installation physically connecting two unique and historic buildings, which face each other, spanning the street with fabric replicas of these two iconic symbols. The buildings are two very different establishments: one – a social and recreational venue – The Ship Inn, considered to be one of the oldest LGBT venues in the country; the other – Chatham Memorial Synagogue, a place of worship of one of the earliest Jewish communities in Britain.
An exhibition, consisting of information panels, celebrating the life, work and legacy of Dr M. Hirschfeld and artwork produced by local students with disabilities, is situated along the Old Chatham High Street, using the historically diverse area of Chatham Intra as the installation’s unique backdrop. It picks up this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day Trust’s theme of One Day, also raising awareness of the struggle for survival of disabled people. It is estimated that close to 250,000 disabled people were murdered under the Nazi regime, many of them children.
The exhibition runs from 27 January throughout LGBT+ History Month in February.
Find out more – borrow books on the subject from Medway Libraries’ rich collection.
Visit Chatham Library for a drop-in family workshop with a local artist Christopher Sacre.
Remember your One Day from the past or create your One Day dream of the future:
Join a guided tour on Saturday, 19 February
The tours start at Intra Arts (337-341 High St, Rochester) and end at Chatham Library with a viewing of the exhibition of the students’ One Day artwork. The tour lasts up to two hours.
By Martin Adams, Peter Moorcraft, Christopher Sacre and Irina Fridman
Last Updated: December 16, 2021 by Sarah Coffey Leave a Comment
The Medway Pride Radio Panto (Oh No it isn’t!)
I was warned, Christmas is the silly season they said! Watch out for the bizarre ideas they said!
Hang on I am getting ahead of myself. Let’s skip back to just after Medway Pride, the evenings were light and the weather, well it was not ‘Brace for impact!’ like it is with the storms now.
Still glowing from Pride, I ventured to talk about Christmas programming, yes that is how far ahead we are, by the time you read this we will be thinking about rabbits, chickens, and overpriced chocolate.
‘What sort of programming should we do for Christmas?’
‘A panto’
The meeting cheered! I looked for the hero.
‘You can’t do a panto on the radio’
The meeting booed! I did not need to look around, I was the villain.
A few weeks later I happened to be in a meeting with Davids Stokes and Wilson… they raised the idea of a panto and my heart sank.
‘But surely pantos are somewhat visual’ I ventured
Five weeks later, in a whirlwind the Tasmanian Devil would have been proud of, David Wilson had managed to rewrite David Stokes’ original script, cast it, found a home for it, had script run throughs. And found a choir, yes, the panto had a choir!
The home for the night was Medway Little Theatre, a beautiful little (as it says on the tin) theatre.
For those who don’t know this 96 seat theatre first opened in 1958 and has more than 400 productions to its name. Situated in the Intra area, it is a hidden gem of a place.
On the night we got there early, and while the boys were thrilled to be allowed to visit the sound booth, Sarah and I were treated to a backstage tour. Backstage of any theatre is always a treat for me, it is a world seldom seen by the ticket-buying public, and somehow it manages to make one curious while dispelling myths at the same time. However, the feeling of history there was palpable, and set the tone for what was to come.
Having got drinks and snacks we settled the boys and the lights dimmed.
Snow White began….
No, I am not going to give anything away, other to say that the adults laughed as much as the children did, somethings in very different places, but the skills of David Stokes and David Wilson shone through. I later learned that David Wilson had directed rehearsals with his eyes shut to make sure it made sense on radio.
The cast were sparkling, and the choir was brilliant, and yes it all went perfectly, and the first Medway Pride Radio Panto was born.
I want to thank David Stokes, David Wilson, everyone at Medway Little Theatre, Mick the sound man, all the cast and the choir; all of you made a magical evening for the 12 or so families who were lucky enough to be invited, and I can’t wait to share it with you all!
Sunday 19th at 7pm.
See our socials for repeats.
Last Updated: December 3, 2021 by Hilary Cooke Leave a Comment
Do Good Friday 3rd December
Medway Pride Radios Do Good Friday is back and this time we need your help to support the follolwing good causes that are helpinng people in Medway, Kent & Nationally
Last Updated: November 18, 2021 by Hilary Cooke Leave a Comment
Transgender Awareness Week & Transgender Day Of Rememberance
Transgender Awareness Week, observed November 13th to November 19th, is a one-week celebration leading up to the Transgender Day of Remembrance, which memorializes victims of transphobic violence. It is a time when organisations and the government can reflect on how they are treating members if the Trans & Non-binary community. For the community to give advice to those seeking to help improver the lives of trans & non-binary people and remove barriers to accesing services and the workplace.
The important issues for the Trans and non-binary community are safety (Reduction in Hate Crime and Discrimination).
Access to Trans specific healthcare to reduce the gender incingruence (A Sexual Health Condition), the maximum waiting time to see a consultant on the NHS is 18week, The waiting time to see a Trans health specialist within the NHS is 4 years and climbing. The Healthcare pathway is broken and needs to be revised.
Transgender Day Of Rememberance
Every year on Trans Day of Remembrance (TDoR), held on the 20th of November, we remember and honour the lives of trans and gender-diverse people reported murdered in the last 12 months.
Last Updated: October 16, 2021 by Hilary Cooke Leave a Comment
Who The Hell Gave This An Award?
You did!
Nominations are now open for Medway Pride Radio’s first ever music awards, hosted by Sophie Elizabeth on Who The Hell Put This On show. Nominations are open until late November with winners being announced on our radio awards ceremony between Christmas and New Years.
Nomination form
Nominations for Medway Pride Radio’s Who The Hell Gave
This An Awards taking place in December 2021 hosted by Who The Hell Put This On on Medway Pride Radio.
There are 11 categories which are as follows.
The Next Big Thing – There are 3 subcategories for this award for various locations. One for Medway, one for the rest of the UK and one for the rest of the world (International). This is the artist or group you think is going places, is up and coming… The artist/group you think will be The Next Big Thing. (Please make sure to write nominations in the correct categories.
Best Single: This can be any song released as a single in 2021 from any artist/group.
Best Album: This can be any album released in 2021 from any artist/group.
Best EP: This can be any EP released in 2021 from any artist/group.
Music Video of the Year: This can be any music video released in 2021 from any artist/group.
Best Live Performance: This can be any live performance in 2021 from any artist/group.
Best Live Music Venue: This can be any music venue in the UK.
Best Lyrics: This can be any song released in 2021 from any artist/group, but the category specifically focuses on the lyrics in the song.
Best Instrumentals: This can be any song released in 2021 from any artist/group, but the category specifically focuses on the instrumentals in the song.
More Posts for Show: Who The Hell Put This On?
Last Updated: October 16, 2021 by Hilary Cooke Leave a Comment
MPR Christmas Writing Competition
Last Updated: September 21, 2021 by Hilary Cooke Leave a Comment
Spin Out For Wizzy
Medway Pride – The Save Wizzy fundraiser
A one-off exclusive performance from the one and only Elberace! To raise funds to nurse Wizzy, the Pride car, back to health
During the first ever Medway Pride, we blew up H’s car, Wizzy. Wizzy and H had been very busy running about completing errands for everyone else at their own cost. The bill to repair Wizzy is substantial and as H and Wizzy were helping everyone else, we want to help foot the bill.
Elberace and other acts, have waived their fees and Ricky has kindly donated use of Coyotes for free, this means we are able to put on a night like Medway will never see again!
Come along and join us on 25 September for jokes, japes and jumpsuits!
The ticket price is just £8, with an added fee from Eventbrite of 92p. The entire £8 ticket price will go towards saving Wizzy! Anything over this will
Posted: September 16, 2021 by Hilary Cooke Leave a Comment
Hate Crime affects all communities
Jigsaw is the first project in Kent to raise awareness of disability hate crime against people with autism and learning disabilities.
Our ‘living in fear’ 3-year research project told us that almost half of those surveyed experienced victimisation. Although the impact of crimes and incidents could be serious and long lasting, 62% didn’t report incidents to the police.
We raise awareness of hate crime and work with organisations to support the reporting of hate crimes, through reporting hubs. These hubs are in community facilities, such as mosques, community centres, shops and more.
We run disability awareness training with the police and 999/101 call handlers. This helps them to understand more about their needs and how to respond.
We also run hate crime awareness sessions for people with disabilities. These workshops focus on giving people the confidence to report incidents and how to do so.
Types of hate crime
Reporting hate crimes
Reporting hubs
We have been working with local communities to create reporting hubs across Kent and Medway so that you can report any hate crime.
Visit Our website for more information
Support for victims
Call Victim Support on 0845 303 0900.
or visit their website
LGBTQIA+ Hatecrime has also been on the increase, some of which has been blamed on the news media publising discriminatory articles about the trans community.
You can report hate crime and complete a survey about your experiances via www.hatecrime.app
LGBTQIA+ Community Radio
MPR Live Chat Room
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Medway Pride Radio Web App
HIlarys Medway Pride Fund