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James Haslam

James Haslam

James Haslam

DJ / Presenter

James Haslam trained as an actor at Rose Bruford College. He has been performing cabaret since 2004 in London’s hottest cabaret spots including Pizza On The Park, The Pheasantry, Pizza Express Live Holborn, St James Theatre, Camden Festival, Porthcawl Elvis Festival, Crystal Palace Festival etc.

In 2019, James became the world's first ever awarded LGBTQAI+ Elvis act with his acclaimed parody Elvis tribute act Elberace (Gay Elvis): A Hunk Of Mincing Love! His self penned show "James Haslam’s Clutching Pearls" was nominated for a What's On Stage Award in 2011.

James also practices Nichiren Buddhism and is a member of the Soka Gakkai International.