331 High Street Rochester ME1 1DA info@medwayprideradio.co.uk 07922164347

Mike Silver

Mike Silver

Mike Silver

DJ / Presenter

Hello I’m Mike Silver,

I am a music collector of all genres, and have been for about 50 years.

Everything from Abba to Zappa and from Bartok to Big Bands. I am a chocoholic, food lover and I love old B movie Sci-Fis from the 50’s and 60’s, I love my garden and nature in general, I am here with big shoulders to lean upon and always ready to listen.

Mike Silver

I have worked in the medical arena as a Patient Representative / Patient Educator for about 10 years now, working with everyone from local pharmacies and local doctors surgeries, to CCG's and the NHS.

Also I have worked with the LGBT community here in Manchester on the Pride in Practice project. I work with medical students in Manchester Medical school as a Patient Educator, bringing the patients perspective to the students during their years at University, I have found this most rewarding. Lastly I am involved with several forums/groups meetings etc covering everything from LGBT matters , Dentistry, Pharmacy and PPIE (Patient Public Involvement and Engagement) oh and did I say I like chocolate?...lol