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“We’re Not Singing Sea Shanties” – a Marsh Family Sea Shanty – for Red Nose Day

Marsh Family Fund Red Nose Day

In response to the overwhelming messages we received after our “One Day More” parody going viral (03/2020), we stuck up some of the family antics and music videos we made on our You Tube Channel, charting our musical journey through the pandemic, here in Kent, in the UK.

We’re Not Singing Sea Shanties

We know we are way behind this trend, and there are two reasons.

Firstly, it took Ben a long time to persuade Danielle that we could do a parody song about not singing a sea shanty, in the form of a sea shanty.

Secondly, by writing our own song, we knew we’d be able to monetise the video ourselves.

We’ll be donating all the YouTube proceeds from this non-shanty to Comic Relief 2021, the big UK biannual fundraiser which “uses the power of funny to turn laughs into lasting change.”

Please consider donating too,

Marsh Family Fund Red Nose Day

or have a look to find out about the wonderful work they do in the UK and Africa

We don’t monetize any of our content (any ads added by music rights holders).

From our original song, any revenue or appearance fees we donated to the W.H.O. COVID-19 Solidarity Fund.

In February 2021 given the latest songs going viral, we supported Save the Children, with huge thanks to those who were able to chip in.

In March 2021, we are supporting the wonderful efforts of Comic Relief and Red Nose Day: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/marshsongs

Thanks for your lovely comments in recent weeks and months, and we’re really glad that we seem to be bringing a smile to quite a few people who need it. Wishing you all a safe path through the pandemic, and speedy recoveries on the other side.

Please take the time to visit our JustGiving page.

Marsh Family Fund Red Nose Day

This Red Nose Day, we’re fundraising for Comic Relief, a charity that we’ve always loved and supported.

When you donate to Comic Relief, you’re supporting people living incredibly tough lives, in the UK and around the world. Their vision is to create a just world free from poverty and they’re doing this by funding amazing organisations doing amazing things.

The Marsh Family

Follow the marsh family on their social media pages https://www.marshfamilysongs.com/

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