331 High Street Rochester ME1 1DA info@medwayprideradio.co.uk 07922164347

MVA – National Volunteers Week 2021

For National Volunteers Week 2021 MVA are inviting all local Volunteers and Voluntary and Community Groups and Organisations to contribute to 

Medway’s Volunteers Giant Jigsaw that will be on public display during Volunteers Week.

We think this is a great way to demonstrate how important and valued each and every one of Medway’s Volunteers and VCS Organisations are.  We would love for you and your Volunteers to take part so I have taken the liberty of sending you all of the attached information below:

Volunteer Giant Jigsaw & Video

  • The Instruction Pack for doing your Jigsaw Piece & Video
  • The Media Release Agreement Form to give us permission to use your items

In the Jigsaw & Video Instruction Pack you will find:

  • Notes on filling in your Jigsaw Piece
  • The Jigsaw Piece templates for you to choose one from
  • Note on doing your Video
  • Contacts & Instruction’s on returning the items back to us

The deadline for all Jigsaw Pieces and short Videos is by 12pm on Wednesday the 19th of May so we can make sure everything we receive back is included in the Giant Jigsaw and our Volunteers Week Video.

Volunteers Week Resource Pack

In the pack you will find:

  • Activity & Event Ideas To Get You Inspired
  • Thanking Your Volunteers
  • Tips On Running Virtual Events
  • Using Social Media To Promote Your Activities
  • Staying Connected
  • Event Promotional Resources
  • Local Press & Local Public Figure Resource
  • Covid Guidance Links

We would really appreciate you sending the Jigsaw & Video information to your Volunteers and for you to encourage them to get involved.  We are looking to support as many Volunteers in Medway to get involved so we can help recognise and celebrate as many as possible.

We would love for you to share your Volunteers Week plans, photos and stories with us.  If you send them to use we would be delighted to share these on or social media platforms for you as well.

Medway Volunteers Giant Jigsaw & Video Guidance Notes

Doing Your Jigsaw Piece

• There are 5 A4 sized jigsaw piece template designs for you to choose one from in this pack.
• When doing your jigsaw piece you must keep within the black jigsaw piece template lines, as everything outside
of the black line will be erased when it goes to print.
• When adding any photos/images it is best to keep them as central as possible, so we can see them better, as the
overall effect of the final design will be of ‘scattered’ jigsaw pieces.
• You can either complete your jigsaw piece by hand or you can do it direct on your computer.
• On the next page we have included a completed jigsaw piece for you as an example.

Sending Your Jigsaw Piece In To Us Is Easy

There are 2 ways that you can send your finished jigsaw piece in to us:
• On email as a JPEG, PNG or PDF file attachment if you have done it on a computer. If you need any advice on how
to do this please contact us on vo**********@mv*.uk.
• By post if you have done it by hand to MVA, 5a New Road Avenue, Chatham, ME4 6BB. Please make sure that you
send it in an A4 envelope to maintain the integrity of the image.
The deadline for ALL jigsaw pieces and videos to be returned to us, to ensure that they go on public display during
Volunteers Week, is by 12pm on Wednesday the 19th of May at the absolute latest. This is so we can meet printing
and media deadlines.


If anyone needs a copy of any of these notes in a different format, such as in large print, please contact us on
We want as many Volunteers in Medway as possible to be able to take part so if you are unable to do your own
jigsaw piece or video please get in touch so we can help. If you have any other questions please get in touch
with us on vo**********@mv*.uk or give us a call on 01634 812 850

Guidance Notes For Your Video
Doing Your Video

• When doing your video please ensure that it is between 15 and 20 second long maximum. We appreciate this is short, however we have a lot of wonderful Volunteers in Medway that will be taking part and all of the video clips will be compiled together into one video.
• You can take the video on your smartphone or on your laptop or PC. If you need any help on how to do this please get in touch on the email below and we can help you.
• Please only include yourself on the video for 2 reasons 1) We want this to be you and 2) When you sign and return the media release agreement form to us this only gives up permission to use your information.
• What we need to hear from you on your video in your 15 seconds:
“Hello, my name is and I am part of Medway’s Volunteer Jigsaw because I volunteer with , which
helps me to _ (e.g. learn new skills, feel more connected to my community, feel good about helping

Sending Your Video In To Us Is Easy

• Please send your video to us on email using vo**********@mv*.uk. If you find that the size of your video is to large to send on email please get in touch with us and we can provide help on doing this.
We want as many Volunteers in Medway as possible to be able to take part so if you are unable to do your own jigsaw piece or video please get in touch so we can help. If you have any other questions please get in touch with us on vo**********@mv*.org.uk or give us a call on 01634 812 850.

Media Release Agreement Form

On the email sent with these notes you will find attached the Media Release Agreement
Form. This form gives us your permission to use your photos, images and videos for
promotional purposes. Please note we cannot display and use your jigsaw pieces and videos without this form
being completed, signed and returned to us alongside your items. Please contacts us if
you have any questions about this

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