331 High Street Rochester ME1 1DA info@medwayprideradio.co.uk 07922164347

Open a radio station they said, It’ll be fun they said…..

……And it is

I was asked about this back in December (you remember shops were open) by Hilary Cooke. There were many reasons NOT to do this project, and as many reasons to do it, ultimately what convinced me to do it was the passion of Hilary, and her overwhelming belief that we can make things better for all people not just the LGBTQIA+ community.

However, it is with the LGBTQIA+ community where this starts! In the coming weeks and months, we will be reaching out across Medway and indeed much, much further to bring you great music, some fantastic entertainment, a mix of DJ’s and presenters, and hell, we may even do some good locally!

We start broadcasting on Monday at 6pm, and from the beginning you will notice some things that are very different. The starting line up of DJ’s range from those with bags of experience to someone who, as I write this on Thursday night has just ‘gone live’ for the first time, having never done anything like this before (Jayne, you were amazing!). So please bear with us in the first couple of weeks if we don’t quite get everything right, that said I am so very proud of each and every person who has gotten involved. It is a lot of fun, but also a commitment and fair bit of work.

I want to thank my fellow co-founders Hilary and H for partnering with me on this exciting project and putting their faith in me. Sarah, who is designing the social media and putting up with me, and the DJ’s/presenters who have come onboard some at very short notice. All have been working hard this past couple of weeks to create a station we can rightly be proud of, and it would not have happened with everyone’s efforts.

I’ll be posting (mostly) about music every Friday.

In the coming weeks we will be showcasing the great and the good of Medway and beyond, and we will be having a fantastic time doing it. I hope you tune in. I hope you enjoy what you hear, and I hope you feel inspired to get involved either at the station or at one of the community groups we help promote.

It is after all your station, your community, your Medway. Take Pride.


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