331 High Street Rochester ME1 1DA info@medwayprideradio.co.uk 07922164347

Rob & Cal

Rob & Cal

Rob & Cal

DJ / Presenter

Musical Mayhem with Rob & Cal

What happens when you get 2 mates, one a young actor/writer and an older (feels ancient) theatre producer, ex theatre agent together to chat Musical Theatre - you end up with this programme.

Packed with music, chat, gossip, guests and prizes.

Sometimes irreverent but always with love! Musical tunes for all tastes.Biogs:Rob (according to my Twitter):

Theatre Maker / Charlton Athletic Supporter/ Eurovision loving/ Chair of Proud Valiants / Traveller/ Film Fan/ Joint daddy to Sam and Tinsel (Doggies) and Long Term Covid Recover.Cal (according to his Twitter):
 Actor/Writer/ Screenwriter/ Movie Buff / Music lover/ Theatre Nut