Hi I'm Sarah, long suffering wife of Shea, and the Director of Design and Social Media at the station. Musically I like what Shea tells me is good (I nod and agree, it really is easier), and have a soft spot for Take That.
I like art and spend much of my spare time sketching, so was happy to help create the show posters and some of the social media design.
I think Medway is a vibrant place, that has a real community feel to it and love the feel of Rochester.
Last Updated: June 12, 2021 by Hilary Cooke
Sarah Coffey
Sarah Coffey
Director of Design and Social Media
Hi I'm Sarah, long suffering wife of Shea, and the Director of Design and Social Media at the station. Musically I like what Shea tells me is good (I nod and agree, it really is easier), and have a soft spot for Take That.
I like art and spend much of my spare time sketching, so was happy to help create the show posters and some of the social media design.
I think Medway is a vibrant place, that has a real community feel to it and love the feel of Rochester.
Thanks for reading.
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